Thursday, April 29, 2010

Epiphany Trivia, er Epivia, er Trivpiphanies...It's a Contest!

What actress appears in two cinematic epiphanies, below, and what do those two appearances eerily have in common?

Which two cinematic epiphanies, below, are linked by the use of Richard Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra?

Which two characters in which two films, below, collapse during a live television broadcast?

Which two cinematic epiphanies, below, are linked by the use of musical notes conveying a message to a listener?

Which two cinematic epiphanies, below, end with a character "breaking the fourth wall" and staring into the camera/at the audience?

Don't post your answers here. Snail mail a post card to:

Ulysses Bloomsday
P.O. Box
Cleveland, OH 44

Include a return address to receive a valuable prize.

Top Ten Cinematic Epiphanies: Numero Uno, Of Course

Top Ten Cinematic Epiphanies: Number Two

Top Ten Cinematic Epiphanies: Number Three

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Hair of the Everlasting Covenant that Bit'ya

Guten Morgan, Hoppy Oster

paradigm shifting, anyone?

here's a mental diversion for those following the trial of Anthony Sowell: the lawmiss missives.

or, perhaps, try a little frank, rich Frank Rich.